Exhibition: The City that Never Was - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum


2004-02-23 • 2004-05-30

The City that Never Was

Imaginary Architectures in Western Art

BBK Room

Co-produced with the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Centre (CCCB), a prestigious institution, with which the Museum is collaborating for the first time, the exhibition, La ciudad que nunca existió (The City that never was) will show through almost eighty works, various aspects of how architecture is represented in paintings. This comprehensive, chronological exhibition, which will begin with frescos from the 1st century from the Museum of Archaeology in Naples and end with contemporary installations, will analyse possible and impossible architecture. The architectural base of Francisco Gutiérrez’s religious paintings, the fantasies of Monsú Desiderio, the whims of Viviano Codazzi, Bernardo Bellotto, Hubert Robert or Francesco Guardi, the geometric spaces of Paul Klee and Maria-Helena Vieira de Silva, the dreamed-of architecture of Max Ernst, Paul Delvaux and Giorgio de Chirico or the contemporary architecture of Miquel Navarro or Perejaume, among others, will show through an exceptional repertoire, the victories and the defeats of architecture in the face of chaos.


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