Invention Scene of the Cavalier Bibiena representing the Royal Gallery - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

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Invention Scene of the Cavalier Bibiena representing the Royal Gallery – 94/31

Bibiena, Giuseppe

Parma, Italy, 05/01/1696-Berlin, 17/07/1757

Etching on paper

36.3 x 50 cm (sheet ) 32.1 x 48.4 cm (print mark)

J.G. Bibiena inven. et delin (lower left corner of the margin of the sheet), A. O. Sculp. (lower right corner of the margin of the sheet)

First half of the 18th century


Acquired in 1994

Selected bibliography

  • Dibujos y grabados, siglos XV-XVIII : colección Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao [Cat. exp.]. Bilbao, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 2005. pp. 58-61.